Behind the Scenes of Fuzy Copilot's Advanced Technical Framework

Behind the Scenes of Fuzy Copilot's Advanced Technical Framework

Jan 10, 2024

Jan 10, 2024

Fuzy Copilot represents a significant leap in AI-driven analytics, serving as an on-demand AI analyst for Customer Success and Product teams within the familiar user experience of Slack. This article delves into the technical underpinnings of Fuzy Copilot, offering insights into its architecture and data integration capabilities.

Addressing the Challenges of General Application with LLMs

In the realm of AI-driven analytics, one significant challenge is the nature of Large Language Models (LLMs) like OpenAI's GPT-4. These models are trained on general domain data offline, making them agnostic to any new data created post-training. This presents a dilemma for applications requiring up-to-date or domain-specific information. Additionally, the cost and expertise needed to train or fine-tune custom models are often prohibitively high.

So, how do we harness the real power of LLMs - their ability to synthesize data and their incredible inference capabilities - to deliver better value to our customers more efficiently? LLMs can make trillions of connections, allowing them to synthesize and infer information far beyond human capabilities. The key is to apply these powers effectively, synthesizing relevant data and inferring insights that would otherwise remain unseen, guiding users to the right questions more swiftly.

A crucial aspect of this is handling domain-specific queries, such as identifying the most active users from a specific company over a given period, or dealing with sensitive data without risking privacy breaches. Fuzy Copilot is designed to address these challenges, leveraging the strengths of LLMs while providing up-to-date, relevant, and secure data analytics.

Fuzy Copilot's Technical Architecture: Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)

At the heart of Fuzy Copilot lies the Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) architecture. This approach, detailed in this arvix preprint, combines the simplicity and modularity necessary for adapting to various Large Language Model (LLM) providers. RAG's minimal refactoring requirements allow it to enhance the capabilities of any LLM model seamlessly, addressing the challenge of general application LLMs which are trained on outdated, general domain data.

How Fuzy Copilot Addresses the Challenges of General Application LLMs

Data Integration: Enhancing Queries with Rich Context

Fuzy Copilot augments customer queries with a wealth of relevant context, sourced from:

  • CRM Data: Integration with platforms like HubSpot and SFDC, providing nuanced contact, account, and deal data.

  • Product Analytics Data: Utilizing sources like Datadog RUM, Mixpanel, and Amplitude for in-depth product analytics.

  • Fuzy AI-Generated Data: Insights into account utilization, feature adoption, usage anomalies, and correlations between usage and features.

This enriched context allows users to ask comprehensive questions across various data silos, leading to more insightful and connected data interpretations.

LLM Integration: Structuring Data for Depth and Breadth

Fuzy Copilot's integration with LLM involves:

  • LLM Request as Structured Anonymized Data: This approach allows for broader and deeper queries. By treating the LLM context as a graph of relationships between entities (event, user, account, temporal data), Copilot exploits the full inference power of LLM.

  • LLM Response Transformed into Structured Data: Transforming the LLM's textual output into structured data is crucial for ease of parsing and response customization. This structured input enables Fuzy Copilot to render the output into various UI components, including Slack and the Fuzy app.

  • Domain-Specific Layering for a Custom Experience: Fuzy Copilot's domain-specific layering is a critical aspect of its design. By sending only minimally relevant data to the LLM endpoint, Copilot ensures efficiency and relevance. The next step involves layering in domain and customer-specific data, such as custom event names, categories, and user avatars. This approach not only enhances the UI but also enables more relevant output by incorporating additional linked datasets.

Frequently Asked Questions About Fuzy Copilot's AI Usage

Users often inquire about specific aspects of Fuzy Copilot's AI functionality. Here are some FAQs with brief definitions and examples:

How does Fuzy Copilot address AI 'hallucinations'?

AI 'hallucinations' refer to instances where AI generates incorrect or nonsensical information. Fuzy Copilot counters this by cross-referencing AI responses with actual data, ensuring accuracy and reliability.

What is Fuzy Copilot's approach to handling recursive AI queries?

Recursive AI queries involve the AI looping back to its previous statements. Fuzy Copilot breaks down these complex loops into simpler insights for easier understanding and action.

How secure is the training data used in Fuzy Copilot?

Security concerns revolve around how AI models are trained with sensitive data. Fuzy Copilot uses anonymized data, ensuring that personal or sensitive information is not exposed or misused.

Future Technical Enhancements

Fuzy Copilot is set to integrate more deeply within the Fuzy UI. This integration will allow users to transition from a guided exploration in Slack to more specific inquiries using the Fuzy app, thereby enhancing the depth and scope of data analysis.


Fuzy Copilot stands as a testament to the power of AI in transforming data analytics. By harnessing the capabilities of RAG and LLM, coupled with sophisticated data integration and domain-specific layering, Fuzy Copilot is not just an AI tool but a comprehensive solution for real-time, context-rich business analytics.